Verify the software is installed on the computer. If not, install it from, the driver must be installed before downloading the software.
1. Once the software is installed, connect the CPAP to the computer by using the included USB cord and plug the CPAP into the outlet. No need to turn the CPAP on
2. Open the software. The CPAP serial number will show at the top of the screen. (If it states, “device not recognized”, go to next section for instruction)
3. Click on the Patient button
4. Click on “View Patient’s Compliance”
a. This will show the .compliance report for this CPAP
b. To print or save the report, click on Compliance Detail and save the report as a PDF
c. To email the .compliance report, click “Email Compliance Information to Clinician” from the previous screen. The .compliance file will automatically generate and save to a default location. To find the file, look at the line that says “The file is located at” This will be where the .compliance file is saved.
d. Attach the .compliance report to an email to send
5. How to import
a. To view, double click on the .compliance file and it will load it into the Somnetics Sleep Apnea Therapy Software
b. From there go to “Clinician” then “Patient Database” then look for the serial number of the patient’s CPAP device
c. Under “Status” column on the green/red/yellow box if the machine has a current fault code, it will be seen here. It will not show old fault codes.